Search Results for: endometriosis

The Best Supplements for Endometriosis + Other Women’s Health Wisdom with Binto
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The Best Supplements for Endometriosis + Other Women’s Health Wisdom with Binto

This post was written by the lovely ladies of BINTO, who create personalized packets of supplements designed to support women in whatever stage of life they’re in. Suzie, their fearless founder, struggles with Endometriosis + has a background in healthcare, so she is the perfect person to speak on the best supplements for endometriosis. However,…

Endometriosis During Pregnancy: My Experience So Far
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Endometriosis During Pregnancy: My Experience So Far

Because of the prevalence of inaccurate information I see about endometriosis during pregnancy, I wanted to share a bit of my personal experience as a woman with endometriosis, who happens to be pregnant + also to pull together some of the most up-to-date science on what it can feel like to have the disease and…

The Best Diet for Endometriosis: How to Find What Works for Your Body
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The Best Diet for Endometriosis: How to Find What Works for Your Body

**I am not a health care professional, a nutritionist or a dietician. This blog post contains scientific research + my personal experience, but is not meant to tell you how to eat for your body. Please consult a professional if you need help navigating the right diet for this season of your life + illness!…

Treating Endometriosis Naturally: How Hydration Can Help Painful Periods
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Treating Endometriosis Naturally: How Hydration Can Help Painful Periods

Painful periods and dehydration share a link, which is actually good news! Here we’ll dig into the research outlining how the two are connected + how adequate hydration can actually help with treating endometriosis naturally and improving painful periods. This post is sponsored by Ultima, but all of the opinions, as always, are my own…promise!…

Caffeine and Endometriosis: Why I Re-Considered My Coffee
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Caffeine and Endometriosis: Why I Re-Considered My Coffee

Why would anyone consider giving up caffeine, right? Coffee is basically a right of passage into adulthood. It’s available on every street corner, in every office kitchen + the first thing in my cup every morning. It tastes GREAT, smells even better + is the perfect accompaniment to blueberry muffins. Coffee + caffeine also offer…

5 ways that Endometriosis has changed me for the better
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5 ways that Endometriosis has changed me for the better

I’m sure that someone is rolling their eyes at me right now with a title like “5 ways that endometriosis has changed me for the better” + that’s okay. The belief that something hard + painful, like a chronic illness such as endometriosis, could actually translate into something positive would have felt laughable + probably…