a few of my favorite things:

Below you’ll find a few of my must have items for surviving this season of life along with any deals or discounts I can pass along from some of my absolute fave brands:

Ultima: Electrolyte Drink’s Powder

Ultima Replenisher is a delicious drink mix that’s supercharged with electrolytes! It’s sugar free, colored with plant dyes + tastes DIVINE. It’s one of the only ways that I ensure I get enough water and minerals every day. Faves in this house: pink lemonade, grape, orange. So yum! Code JESSICAEATS20 will save you 20%!

BINTO: Personalized Supplements

The supplement world can feel like an unregulated minefield. But BINTO (bun in the oven) has a team of health care professionals who will build your very own, perfect routine based on your season of life, your goals, your diet and more. If you’re a woman of child bearing years, ESPECIALLY if you’re actively trying/having kiddos, these are a game changer. It’s incredibly affordable and delivered right to your door each month. Code JESSICAEATS will save you 20% too!

The Zoe Twin

II was looking for a couple of things in a twin stroller: it has to be lightweight, easy to breakdown and HAD to fit through a door because I live in England, where everything is smaller, ha! The Zoe Twin is all of those things + also has a car seat attachment to add your newborn! I’m so excited about this find that ALL of my mom friends pointed me to. The link below will save you $15 on your very own Zoe Twin!

The Larken X

As a new mom, THIS BRA was the only thing that got me through the early weeks and months of breastfeeding. Granted, I was also a pumping mom, and I needed something that worked for both. The Larken X is so soft, has no clips or weird holes + is so easy to nurse and pump in. I wear it even not pregnant because I love it so much. I have 3!

Solly Baby Wrap

A Solly baby wrap is the only way that I survived the first six months of newborn life! Once you get a hang of putting it on, it’s the easiest way to wear your baby and be hands free. My daughter couldn’t get enough of it. It is one of my MUST HAVE baby items.
Shopping with the link below will save you 10%!

Saalt (safer) Period Products

As part of my endometriosis journey, I transitioned all of my period products to safer, more sustainable options. Saalt offers premium, reusable period care: think cups, discs and period undies! They’re better for your body + the environment, plus Saalt also puts money from every purchase towards ending period poverty around the world! Code JESSICAEATSREALFOOD10 will save you 10%!