Painful periods and dehydration share a link, which is actually good news! Here we’ll dig into the research outlining how the two are connected + how adequate hydration can actually help with treating endometriosis naturally and improving painful periods.
This post is sponsored by Ultima, but all of the opinions, as always, are my own…promise! Ultima’s electrolyte powders are paleo, gluten-free, sugar-free + contain a perfect balance of 6 electrolytes with trace minerals for complete clean optimal hydration. They taste divine (the blue raspberry + lemonade are my go-tos) + are SO easy to stir right into a glass of water. Keep reading to find out how they might help you!
Painful periods stink. They’re also really common. In fact, it almost feels like a woman’s right of passage these days to lament about “that time of the month” and the things that it does to her body. But friends, just because something is common, doesn’t mean it’s normal. They aren’t the same thing.
And while it is totally okay to experience some discomfort around the time of your menstrual cycle, feeling pain isn’t the same thing. Painful periods that affect your quality of life, your ability to participate in your day, cause you to cry or vomit or pass out? Those are most definitely not normal, especially if they’re presenting in tandem with any of the following symptoms:
- abnormal period cycles
- bloating
- GI issues such as constipation or diarrhea
- painful or frequent urination
- clotting or heavy periods
- fatigue
- painful sex
If any of the above sounds like you, it might be time to schedule an appointment with your physician. Also, keep reading!

In 2019, after 17 years of struggling, I was diagnosed with Endometriosis. It felt so affirming + validating to know that my symptoms + my painful periods were caused by SOMETHING. But it also felt so overwhelming because the options for treating endometriosis aren’t widely publicized or studied…especially if you care about treating endometriosis naturally!
And so, over the course of the last 2 years, I have dug in + done the work. When you really do the research, there are actually SO many options for treating period pain and treating endometriosis naturally. They just aren’t widely talked about because they aren’t as sexy as a pill for doctors to promote. That doesn’t mean they don’t work!
I have seen a night + day difference in my endometriosis symptoms + my period problems by making simple, real, sustainable changes in my life. Today, we’re going to talk about one that feels really basic, but it’s actually transformative. This change is easy to identify and implement. It’s also one that is guaranteed to help you feel better.
We’re talking about hydration.
Hydration and Painful Periods
I know, I know. “Being hydrated” sounds like WAY too simple of a solution to such a debilitating, personal problem but hang with me here. I’ve got the research to back me up + is it fascinating.
Before we get into the nitty-gritty, I want to ask you a question + be honest: are you actually getting through the recommended amount of water for your body per day? I know that I wasn’t. Partly because water is a little bit boring + partly because I just forget!
If that sounds like you too, you’re not alone + don’t worry. I’ve got solutions. But first, let’s dig into WHY this is so important.
How Dehydration Affects Normal Period Function
Let’s start with basic human biology. The human body is roughly 60% water. We all know that we literally NEED water to survive + for our organs to function. But did you know that if your body is low on water + struggling with dehdration, it will prioritize that same water to your essential organs? It’s the bodies natual survival mode. But guess what? Our uterus + ovaries? Not essential. Which means that if you’re dehydrated, your female reproductive system is definitely not able to operate at normal capacity. Dehydrated bodies are cut off at the knees before even introducing other issues like PCOS or Endometriosis.
Dehydration means that our eggs aren’t receiving the nutrition they should. Dehydration even decreases the amount of cervical mucus we produce…all essential building blocks for healthy menstrual cycles. Crazy, right?!
How Dehydration can Increase the Risk and Symptoms for Period Problems + Hormonal Imbalances
Arguably one of the most essential bodily functions for optimal period + hormone health is….pooping. Going number 2 is the final act of our body’s natural detoxification process. It’s how you get rid of the pesticide residue off of the apple you ate for an afternoon snack + it’s also how your body gets rid of extra estrogen. Pooping might be a bit embarrassing to talk about, but it’s also essential for a healthy hormone balance.
Water is an essential ingredient in ensuring that we’re able to pass our stool normally. Dehydration is an easy guarantee that constipation will follow. But when we’re constipated, that extra estrogen that was broken down by your liver + sent to your intestines for removal? It just sits there + is eventually reabsorbed back into your body where it throws off the delicate balance of female hormones.
Estrogen dominance can mess with your mood, your sex drive, your fertility…and you guessed it, your period pain!
Dehydration + Endometriosis
It’s also important to mention that the same excess estrogen we just talked about above can also be linked to increases in endometriosis growth rates, which is never a good thing. If you struggle with endometriosis, it’s also important to note that dehydration can cause similar side effects + therefore intensify your experience with your Endometriosis. Symptoms such as:
- fatigue
- muscle cramps or spasms
- digestive issues
- brain fog or difficulty concentrating
If treating endometriosis naturally is the reason you’re here, it’s important to say that proper hydration is absolutely essential + could really positively affect your experience with your disease.

3 Easy Tips to Optimize Hydration for Treating Endometriosis Naturally
Now that we’re on the same page about just how essential hydration is for treating your period pain or treating your endometriosis naturally, let’s tackle the challenge that getting enough water can be! You can find different recommendations on just how much water you need as a woman, depending on your activity level, but the general rule of thumb is to aim to consume half of your body weight in ounces. So, if you weigh 140 pounds, 70 ounces of water is a great place to start!
Here are the 3 ways that have absolutely changed my hydration game:
1. Get yourself a big water bottle you love.
This might seem silly, but I promise you it has made the BIGGEST difference for me. I purchased a 32-ounce Hydroflask about a year ago, and I have never, ever been as consistent with my liquid consumption as I am now. It’s insulated, which means it’s always ice cold (which also helps me drink more), and since I know it’s 32 ounces, I can easily track just how much water I’ve had and how much I still need. Some people also love the bottles that list a certain time of day on the side to track your intake.
Find out what motivates you + supports you to drink! It really is worth the investment to buy a good one. It’s a heck of a lot cheaper than doctors appointments and medication to keep working on your period pain.
2. Add a delicious electrolyte powder.
If I could, I would scream this from the rooftops. Adding a delicious and fruity electrolyte powder to my water increases my intake by like 10x. Not only that, but by ingesting an electrolyte supplement, you’re actually intensifying the hydrating effect of plain ole water. Ultima is my favorite + the only brand that I trust to use on a regular basis. Their electrolyte powders are paleo, gluten-free, sugar-free + contain a perfect balance of 6 electrolytes with trace minerals for complete clean optimal hydration. They taste divine (the blue raspberry + lemonade are my go-tos) + are SO easy to stir right into a glass of water.
Want to know the best part? Electrolytes have been scientifically proven to help combat some of the EXACT symptoms that we’ve been talking about – namely muscle cramps (read period cramps). If you’re working on treating your endometriosis naturally or your period pain naturally, you need Ultima in your routine. I really amp up how often I drink it around the time of my period + it helps me SO much with my digestive trouble + any cramping.
3. Set a hydration timer.
Guys, I know, but it WORKS! I have set a timer on my phone to go off every so often (you can choose the duration) to remind me to stop whatever I’m doing + take a dang sip. It’s really helpful during the day when I can easily get into a rhythm at my desk + let 3 hours go by without one solitary mouthful.
I find that setting a timer every hour is the best for me. It reminds me to stand up, to take a slug of my drink + just breathe before moving onto the next thing. I get it that this could feel annoying, but for me, knowing what I know about how important hydration is for my body, it’s worth it.
Final Thoughts on Hydration + Treating Endometriosis Naturally
It can be really easy to dismiss simple suggestions like increasing your water or electrolyte intake. I understand that. I want you to know that as someone who struggled for 17 years with being heard, believed, and seen, this is not a dismissal of your pain or your illness. However, I also know how desperate I was to feel better for all of those 17 years. I thought I was doing all of the right things, but in hindsight, I wonder if I was missing some of the key building blocks of a healthy functioning body….like being properly hydrated.
I don’t believe that drinking more water is going to cure your of your illness, but it just might take the edge off of symptoms that you thought could never get better + isn’t that worth something!? And imagine, what if you gave it a try for an entire month + you had no more period pain. Can you even imagine? Anything in possible.
On my quest to pursue treating endometriosis naturally, I am willing to jump in with both feet if a potential solution feels simple, feels easy, feels doable in my real life…and friends, I think that drinking a bit more water is something we’re all capable of.
And last thing, if 3 tips is too many, just TRY ULTIMA! Seriously, I can’t be without it now. You can grab some of your own by clicking here.
P.S be sure to pop over to instagram to hang out where we talk all things periods all the time!