4 books for women struggling with period problems

Health journeys can be scary + learning from knowledgable guides that have gone before is so valuable. These 4 books for period problems, written by experts in their field, are meant to inspire + inform + walk with you on your journey.

20 million women or more are believed to struggle with Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibroids, thyroid or adrenal issues. And I imagine that many of them are like I was: scared + at the mercy of my doctors, which is exactly why an article about books for period problems is important.

Because no woman should feel like she can’t access the information she needs about her body. Because no woman should feel like they’re navigating their struggle alone + without resources or information.

These 4 books for period problems cover a wide range of topics from a wide range of experts, but they all bring something so valuable. I hope you find them as helpful as I have!

PSA – Each of the photos below, as well as the PDF at the bottom, all contain clickable links to snag the books off of Amazon. In full disclosure, they are affiliate links, which means I make a tiny commission if you purchase. But I promise these recommendations are to serve you, not line my pockets, okay?

“The Doctor Will See You Now” by Tamer Seckin

The Doctor Will See You Now - books for period problems

If you believe on any level in ANY way that there’s a chance you might have Endometriosis, you need to buy this immediately and read it all. This book was recommended to me + I sobbed through the first few chapters. It contains real life stories of women exactly like me who articulated their struggles with such detail that it felt like they’d been living my life with me.

Dr. Seckin is a leading Endometriosis specialist and surgeon in the United States + has crafted the most comprehensive book on the subject that I’ve been able to find…with ACCURATE information (which isn’t always a given).

If you need more information on what Endometriosis looks like in different women, the different approaches to diagnosis, as well as access to an in-depth review of the best treatment options, this book is for you.

“Woman Code” by Alisa Vitti

Woman Code - books for period problems

Alisa Vitti is a women’s hormone expert who also happens to struggle with PCOS. After spending years being blown off by her own doctors, Alisa was able to fight for a diagnosis + pursue what treatments felt right for her.

If you want to dive into what women’s hormones do + how to optimise yours, this book is so accessible, informative + full of real, tangible steps to take to start balancing your hormones, improving your symptoms + caring for your fertility. If you’re looking for ways to start feeling better now, this one is for you.

“Beyond the Pill” by Dr Jolene Brighten

Beyond the Pill - books for period problems

“Out of the 100 million women—almost 11 million in the United States alone—who are on the pill, roughly 60 percent take it for non-contraceptive reasons like painful periods, endometriosis, PCOS, and acne. While the birth control pill is widely prescribed as a quick-fix solution to a variety of women’s health conditions, taking it can also result in other more serious and dangerous health consequences.”

This book by Dr Jolene Brighten, a naturopathic doctor, is NOT designed to shame women for their choices or to scare anyone, but rather to ensure that we have all of the information to decide whether or not birth control is the right line of treatment or prevention for us.

I only wish I could go back to 16-year-old me + give her this book when her doctor put her on birth control for an irregular cycle. If you are on, have taken, or are considering birth control, this one is for you.

“13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do” by Amy Morin

13 things mentally strong people don't do - books for period problems

Granted this book is not specifically for women’s health (although Amy has written a women’s version of this book), it honestly helped make such a difference in my health journey + here’s why:

The more I dive into my body, the more I realise that it is ONE SYSTEM + not little individual ones, even though that’s how the medical system tends to treat our issues. My emotional + mental health directly impact my physical health. My endometriosis is always worse in seasons of extreme stress. (Don’t believe me that this is a thing? Ever had an upset tummy before a public speech? Same deal.)

This book addresses really common emotional struggles that we all navigate. Learning to handle them from a mentally well place will serve you in life + surely on your healing journey. If you’re looking at books for period problems, this is still such a good one!

P.S. if you’re curious about my own healing journey, be sure to click here + read a bit more of my story. Or, come hang out on Instagram! We have lots of fun + chat about all of the things.


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